
Happy 1st Birthday Bennett Bug!

Dear Bennett,


A year and one day ago I remember asking myself: “how could I possibly love another baby as much as my first?”

Today, that seems like a silly question. You, Bennett bug, are responsible for my heart doubling in size.

This past year, your first year, was the best year yet. At times it was hard. I mean, really hard. Balancing a always hungry newborn with a fearless 17 month old was not for the faint of heart. There were days at the beginning when we cried together, in our pajamas, in the middle of a house covered in Cheerio crumbs, against the sound of Yo Gabba Gabba re-runs and your sister yelling for more snacks. Repeatedly.

But it got better. Boy, did it get better.

You smiled at seven weeks; you laughed at nine. And, you haven’t stop since. You are filled with joy–a natural, unforced joy– that radiates from your presence.

You are smart. Really smart. Things we haven’t taught you, you know. Things we didn’t expect you to do for months, you have mastered.

And, you are a total love bug. You hug, give kisses, and greet everyone with the sincerest of smiles. But mostly, you love your mommy. You want me to hold you all the time and reach for me without fail. You and I are completely attached to one another; and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As I sit here today–flipping through your newborn pictures and looking back at how you have grown–I do my best to hold back tears. Tears for how fast it went by. Tears for how I cannot go back in time and relive it. But, mostly, tears for how blessed we are to have you.

So while I would love a time machine that would take me back to December 18, 2014 and let me hold you for the first time again, I take comfort in the fact that I cherished those past moments in the most intentional way. And, I take comfort in the fact that I get to hold you today. Today, I get to hold my sweet, perfect one-year-old baby boy. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Bennett, we adore you. You are loved beyond measure. May we cherish this next year as much as your first.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy.



Here are pictures from your “Elf” first birthday! We had so much fun celebrating you with family and friends (and a special guest – Santa Claus!).


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